Rivers and the land near their banks provide extensive opportunities for recreation. They provide people with opportunities to:
Spend time in natural surroundings
View rock sills and digger logs that we have installed to promote fish habitat restoration
View, enjoy and/or photograph flora and fauna
Cycle, walk, run, or, in season, cross-country ski
Engage in recreational fishing
We have been involved in the development of multi-use, active transportation trail systems along the shores of the Sackville Rivers. Our hope is that providing the public with access to the rivers will increase awareness of their beauty and value to the community which will translate into increased support for our conservation efforts.
SRA has been instrumental in the development of two trail systems:
The Bedford-Sackville Connector Greenway - a multi-use 2.5 km Active Transportation trail along the Sackville River. It connects the communities of Bedford and Sackville. The Greenway is surfaced with crusher dust, making it accessible to strollers, wheelchairs and all types of human powered cycles.
The Sackville Greenway - a multi-use trail along the Little Sackville River. The 1.5 km trail follows the Little Sackville River between the corner of Sackville and Riverside Drives to Glendale Drive near Beaverbank Rd. Ultimately, the Sackville Greenway will run from Fultz House to Feely Lake.
A multi-year Development Plan offers a vision and development strategy for the Sackville Greenway.
The full text of consultant reports related to the development plan are available on our "From the Archives" page.
Traffic on theBedford Sackville Connector Greenway
We have been monitoring trail use on the BSCG since 2013 using automated counters. The figures below show that the trail has been, and continues to be, extremely popular with the public.