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Congratulations to SRA coordinator Damon Conrad on being awarded the King Charles III Coronation medal for his 16 years of tireless work in restoring and managing the Sackville River watershed. Damon works directly on the river, manages crews of summer students, writes grant proposals, runs the office, helps out with fund raising and innumerable other tasks involved in running the SRA. The association is very grateful! The award was presented by the Honourable Darrell Samson Liberal MP for Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook.


We will be having a Flea Market on March 30. Come out and buy stuff! But first, make room for all the stuff you'll buy! Get a jump start on spring cleaning! Donate your old stuff so others can buy it!

We are seeking donations of any new or gently used items including clothing, furniture, small appliances, knickknacks, music CD’s, DVD/Blu-ray movies, etc. If you have any items to donate, please contact us to make arrangements for pick up/drop off.

We are also seeking volunteers who can help out with the event – please let us know if you are interested in assisting on the day of.

All proceeds go towards river restoration, water quality monitoring, trail maintenance & education. Help us keep the river and watershed healthy!


To compensate for the postal strike, the federal government has extended the deadline for tax deductible charitable donations for the 2024 taxation year from December 31, 2024 to February 28, 2025. River restoration, monitoring salmon migration and water quality are expensive. Please consider donating to SRA so we can continue our work.


Mailing Address

PO Box 45071

Sackville HRM, NS

B4E 2Z6

Street Address

Sackville Heights Community Centre

45 Connolly Rd., Rm. 206

Middle Sackville, NS

B4E 1S6

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Office: (902) 865-9238

Fax: (902) 864-3564


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